New E-book: Did you know that emotional stress can cause toothache? And did you know that teeth can move in case of psychological challenges? In just a few weeks, 88% of our patients reduce their dental problems by devoting themselves to the psychological cause of dental problems.

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In one of the most important books about the subject of dentistry you will learn:

  • Advantage Nr. 1

    The reason is explained why shortly after fertilization of the female egg the oral cavity and the teeth and the gums are related to all the organs. You will learn how to read the teeth of your child and whether your child is ready to be trained in school.  

  • Advantage Nr. 2

    Learn how an emotional stress can be transmitted to the teeth.

  • Advantage Nr. 3

    You will find out how you can see if a candidate is ready for the special salaried relationship you are looking for.

  • Advantage Nr. 4

    Learn how energetic stress lead to periodontal disease.

  • Advantage Nr. 5

    Learn why your teeth are always a reflection of your soul and why you can lead a healthier and happier life with the right dental prophylaxis.

  • Advantage Nr. 6

    Learn what the removal of healthy teeth can trigger in children who are supposed to get braces.

Do you know this situation?

The problem "toothache"

Toothache is probably one of the most painful experiences you can have. Do you know this problem? Everyone advises you to look after your teeth and take care of them and that you should go regularly to the dentist and have the right prophylaxis done. Nevertheless, it happens again and again that you have problems with your teeth and often tremendous toothaches.

Once again after the dentist's visit you promise yourself to take a better look at your teeth and avoid anything harmful. But within a few days after the pain you fall into the everyday life and most good resolutions disappear like the Christmas tree after the Christmas party.

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Minolta DSC

The solution is much more easier than you would believe

Are you also disappointed and frustrated that no one can really tell you how to get healthy teeth in the long term and reduce and avoid toothaches?

If you are the same as most people you want healthy teeth for many years. What you will find here in the book will interest you because there is a simple solution!

The cause of toothache

How do I know? I have been helping patients to deal properly with their teeth for now over 30 years. I run a practice for holistic dentistry and go with my patients to find the cause of their dental problems and pain. Many of my patients reach a new condition of their teeth after only a few weeks, feel holistic, better, happier and happier.

You want to know how I do it? Then I have a good news to you: In this book you will find out more about the cause of toothache how to reduce it and enjoy longterm healthy and beautiful teeth not only today but also in one, three or ten years.

Everything you learn here really works. See for yourself how satisfied readers talk about "Tooth Whispers - The Teeth, Reflections of Your Soul".

The book is very informative - but very specific. It brings a lot of really new and uses many sources. Recommendable



Toothaches are often a reflection of your soul

To the cause of dental problems: Most dental problems are a reflection of one's own soul. Therefore, it is imperative to eliminate the cause and not only to extinguish the superficial fires, since the fire ignites again and again, until the fire is found and removed.

Dental problems and pain are a reflection of your soul. Click this button and eliminate the cause of your dental problems and pain. If you decide directly for the "Bible of the Dentistry", you will receive a discount.

Remove the cause of your toothache - Get it NOW

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You have exactly 2 possibilities

Possibility number 1

You must make a decision now because you are faced with the choice. The first option is to select the old route. Please consider what pain you will suffer in one year if you continue the same way. They disappointingly find that nothing has changed and the same dental problems occur again and again. It may not have aroused any offense against you.




Possibility number 2

You choose a new and brave way. Here I guarantee that you will experience the dental treatment that you have not dreamed of! You will get a new understanding of dental problems can tackle them and eliminate them. You do not take any risk because compared to the pain you have nothing to lose. You will be proud to look back and be grateful for a decision that makes you proud. Finally you know why it is so important to tackle the cause of your dental problems differently than 96% of the doctors do.

If you decide today, you will get a special bonus. However, this bonus is only valid for a short time. If you leave the site, the timer may prevent you from seeing this bonus again and not benefiting from it.


Click this button to get one of the coveted copies of "Tooth Whispers - The Teeth, Reflections of Your Soul" at the special price.

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